About GSF

The Geneva Security Forum (GSF) is an agile, flexible, neutral thinktank and security forum convener, focusing on cyber-security, new threats and interconnected security issues. The Geneva Security Forum was launched in 2007 with an inaugural event at Palexpo in Geneva, and has continued over the past years to be actively engaged in the security debate. The Geneva Security Forum contributed as a partner to the cyber-security component of World Telecom 2009, participates in the High Level Advisory Committee of the ITU for Telecom, has produced papers focusing on cybersecurity issues with DCAF, the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, and works in partnership with the East West Institute on cybersecurity issues. The Geneva Security Forum also regularly participates in security events including the International Security Forum in Zurich, the Cybersecurity Forum of the East West Institute and the Cybersecurity 2011 conference organized by Handelsblatt in Berlin, September 2011.